Geospatial Courses
CSU courses that teach or incorporate geospatial science:
(Not all courses are offered each semester. Please check the CSU course catalog or schedule for details.)
- CIVE 303 | Infrastructure and Transportation Systems (Spring)
- CIVE 576 | Engineering Applications of GIS and GPS (Fall)
- CIVE 577 | GIS in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Spring)
- ENGR 521 | Geospatial Engineering Management and Policies (Fall)
- ENGR 522 | Object-oriented GIS programming for Engineers (Fall)
- ENGR 523 | Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (Spring)
- ENGR 524 | Geospatial Web Technologies for Engineers (Spring)
- EHRS 538 | GIS and Health (Spring, even years)
- GR 100 | Introduction to Geography
- GR 311 | GIS for Social Scientists (Online)
- GR 220 | Mapping, Cartography, and Spatial Thinking (Fall)
- GR 320 | Cultural Geography (Fall, odd years)
- GR/NR 323 | Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
- GR 420 | Spatial Analysis with GIS (Fall)
- GR 430 | Land Change Science and Remote Sensing (Spring, odd years)
- GR 431 | Land Change Science Lab (Lab for GR 430; Spring odd years)
- GR/NR 503 | Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
- ANTH 573 | Paleoclimate and Human Evolution (Spring, even years)
- GEOL 376 | Geologic Field Methods (Spring)
- GEOL 436 | Geology Summer Field Course (Summer)
- GEOL 541 | Geostatistics (Fall, even years)
- GEOL 551 | Groundwater Modeling (Spring)
- GEOL 562 | Statistical Data Analysis in Earth Resources (Fall, odd years)
- LAND 241 | Environmental Analysis (Spring)
- LAND 357 | Omnibus Field Studies (Summer)
- LAND 361 | Digital Methods (Fall)
- LAND 364 | Design and Nature (Fall)
- LAND 444 | Ecology of Landscapes (Spring)
- LAND 447 | Comprehensive Landscape Design (Spring)
- LAND 510 | Virtual Design Methods (Spring, even years)
- LAND 520 | Geographic Information Systems (Spring, odd years)
- FW310 | Mapping Diverse Perspectives in Conservation (Fall)
- NR 319 | Geospatial Applications in Natural Resources
- NR 322 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- NR/GR 323 | Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
- FW 380A2 | Spatial Ecology Applications with R (Spring)
- NR 420 | Integrated Ecosystem Management
- NR 422 | GIS Applications in Natural Resource Management (Spring)
- NR 423 | Applications of Global Positioning Systems (8 weeks)
- NR 426 / NR 427 | Programming for GIS I & II (8 weeks each)
- WR 440 | Watershed Problem Analysis (Spring)
- NR450 | Geospatial Project Design and Analysis (Fall)
- NR453 | Geospatial Field Methods for Natural Resources (Summer, 4 wks)
- NR 493/793 | Seminar on GIS and Remote Sensing Applications (Spring)
- NR/GR 503 | Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
- NR 505 | Concepts in GIS (Fall)
- NR 512 | Spatial Statistical Modeling of Natural Resources (Fall)
- ECOL 505 | Foundations in Ecology
- ECOL 620 | Applications in Landscape Ecology (Spring)
- SOCR 177 | Applied Information Technology in Agriculture (Spring)
- SOCR 377 | Geographic Information Systems in Agriculture (Fall)
- SOCR 577 | Principles/Components of Precision Agriculture (Fall)